Page 31 - NM Spring_2021
P. 31

Chaplain Ken Webb
                   West Central Region Director

          I have a lot of respect for drag     I have seen so many touching       lived in community with a common
        racers.  You toil over a race car, you   things happen at the track and away   goal of living a life dedicated to God.
        spend endless amounts of money       from the track.  Friends helping each  Many people struggle through life
        on the machine, and then when the    other with mechanical issues on a    with a huge hole in their heart.  That
        car is simply perfect you put it in a   car and helping each other with the   is where God comes in and how a
        trailer and haul that beast for miles   tough issues we all face at times.    community of people who genuinely
        (or maybe hundreds or thousands      Just the other day I was offered the   love him can be just what one needs.
        of miles) down the road to compete.    opportunity to spend some time with
        Then when first round doesn’t go the  two racers who are helping each       “Come to me, all who labor and
        way you were hoping, the car goes    other get their cars ready for the   are heavy laden, and I will give you
        back into the trailer and you head   upcoming race season.  At the same   rest.”  Jesus spoke those words
        home.  But what is amazing is that   time, they are helping each other    to let us know that he is the one
        next week you are right back at it   deal with the loss of their wives last   who can truly heal the wounds we
        again.  The car is back in the trailer   year.  Who better to relate to than   have, that giant hole that seems to
        and you are back on the road.  You   someone who can speak the same       have no bandage.  However, just
        are all either very resilient or very   language of race cars and the pain   like in the racing world, we do not
        crazy!                               caused by grief?  Their time in the   do this way of life alone.  We do
                                             shop is more than just fixing racing   this in community.  Having others
          Now I mean that with all respect.    cars, it is about healing themselves.  around us to lift us up, to pray for
        One of the things that I have learned                                     us, to encourage us, that is of great
        from being around drag racers for      Many people get the idea that      importance as well.
        many years is that the time spent on   Christians are just preachy people
        the track is the thrill of the sport,   who think they have their lives     As we venture into a new year, if
        but the heart of the sport is found   together but are just like everyone   you need someone to talk with or to
        in the people who you spend time     else at the end of the day.  I agree   bounce some thoughts off of, reach
        with.  The friendships made, the     that there are those like that out   out to me or someone you know that
        good times shared, the struggles     there, but that should not be at the   connects you with God.  Looking
        overcome – all these are made        heart of who someone is who is a     forward to seeing you at tracks
        possible by the people whom you      follower of Jesus.                   around the country!
        choose to surround yourself with at
        the track.                             The gospel, the good news that
                                             Jesus came to proclaim, is about life

                      Visit our Web Site:      Office Phone:  480-507-5323
                           Office E-mail:      Office Address:  Racers For Christ

                   Ken Webb E-Mail:         1250 E Baseline Rd, Suite 101, Tempe, AZ. 85283

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