Page 28 - NM Spring_2021
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and that was the end of the great Burket. Like Andy Baron, Corky
show. It’s all on You Tube for those brought along considerable
interested. mechanical skills, humor and a
real dedication to the fuel coupe.
As I got out of the coupe, Tommy With Goldy, Mark, Andy, Corky and
Ivo came over to shake hands. I Joe at the controls, we now had as
quipped that I had been a fan of his good a crew as any fuel car could
in the old “Margie” TV show where have.
he played actress Cynthia Pepper’s
boyfriend, Haywood Botts in the The rest of 2015 went well for us
Roaring 20’s. I added that he was and we returned to Bakersfield and
fine but most guys liked Cynthia a the California Hot Rod Reunion.
lot better. He laughed and replied, The guys had the car set to run a
“everyone did”! And so, we headed good number, aiming for a high 6 Proven Technology.
home and began to think of what to second quarter at about 200 mph. its side!
do in 2015. We lined up for the first round Back in the pits with Hy-per Performance.
of the fuel altereds against Brett the remains loaded into our trailer,
Most of the handling bugs that Henry’s, Wichita, KS based “Iron
we had been chasing had finally Mistress”. Joe did his customary the entire fuel altered community
been worked out. Midway through tire melting, smokey burnout, came by to check on Joe and see if Most drivers know that having adequate engine oil is important to the longevity and performance
2015, after another appearance at staged and launched. At about we needed anything. All we could of your vehicle. But do you know what ZDDP is all about?
Bowling Green’s Hot Rod Reunion, half track, the coupe had a slight say was that we were relieved there • Anti-Wear and Corrosion Inhibitor: ZDDP is short for zinc dialkyldithiophosphate, and is a
I made the decision to pass along lead and was pulling away. It was were no injuries and that we’d be combination of zinc and phosphorus. When put under pressure, ZDDP attaches to the metal
driving duties to Joe Morrison. drifting toward the centerline back. surface and becomes a sacrificial wear material. Beyond being an anti-wear additive, it also is a
Joe, from New Jersey, was a friend though but refused to correct. Repairs were made by Dave corrosion inhibitor.
of Goldy, an experienced altered Without notice, the car “hooked” Dominick along with some
driver and recently licensed in an the track and made a hard left. At improvements to help facilitate • Modern Oils Have Reduced Zinc Levels: Modern motor oils have been updated to meet the
A/fuel dragster. In a test session about 160 mph, it slammed the handling adjustments. Longtime needs of changing engine designs. This has led to a reduction of zinc in today’s oils, which
at Keystone, Joe took to the car Jersey barrier almost head on. The friend, Dave Ley, from Exoticars means modern oils do not offer the protection needed for high-performance and racing engines.
immediately. The short wheelbase, car flipped onto its side and spun in Wexford, PA, took on the task • What Does ZDDP Do, Anyway? Rislone Hy-per Lube ZDDP Supplement cools and lubricates
poor visibility and unpredictable several times through the lights. of repairing the body, priceless moving parts far better than oil alone. ZDDP clinging properties hold the oil to metal parts
handling made the coupe the Joe had the presence of mind to aluminum side panels and grill shell preventing wear and dry starts. Special additives also prevent oil thinning at high temperatures
toughest car to drive I had ever deploy the chute and pull the fuel that were mangled in the highspeed where normal oil fails.
piloted. But Joe loved it and shutoff. The car landed upright encounter with Bakersfield’s
brought a new dimension to our well passed the finish line with concrete barrier. Dave, a world • Why Choose Rislone? Some ZDDP additives are designed for break-in use only. Other additives
show. class metal craftsman, made make wild claims about coating the inside of the engine with Teflon-type additives, but no real
severe damage to the front end, proof has been established to back up these claims. Rislone Hy-per Lube ZDDP Supplement
To the fan’s delight, he produced chassis and more. Fortunately, Joe everything look as new. uses proven ZDDP technology along with our 100 plus years of oil additive knowledge to protect
monstrous burnouts. But he also was uninjured and mostly upset We freshened the engine and the moving parts of your engine to be used after break-in.
had a great feel and respect for the about crashing the old coupe. It replaced the iron heads with solid
equipment. Adding to our base was a real testament to the work of cast aluminum, Mastodons. They Many products claim to protect your engine, but at Rislone we’ve spent a century proving it –
crew, Andy Baron came along Ed Quay decades before and Dave had been the “pattern” for most on the highway and on the racetrack. We have taken the time to study, formulate and test our
and volunteered to offer his show Dominick who brought it up to early hemi aftermarket aluminum formulations in the lab and in the real world. We take customer feedback and usage data to
winning, Chrysler hemi powered present standards that no injuries heads. Cylinder head wizard, improve our products. Today, we have some of the highest-performance engine oil treatments
1929 Model A Ford as our tow were sustained. We assured Joe the Nick Smithberg from Nebraska on the market.
vehicle. This produced quite only thing that mattered was that reworked them and they actually
a show at the nostalgia events. no one was hurt. It did manage to outflowed the more advanced billet
About the same time, our program clock a 4.40 in the 1/8th and an 8.90 heads now on the market for early
was “adopted” by Harold “Corky” et at 89 mph through the lights – on hemis. He also set up a Missile
28 Nitro Madness Magazine SPRING 2021 Part #4405